How To Create A Rate Limiter Module In Django

Rate limiter module in Django:

Step 1: Install Required Packages Install the django-ratelimit package, which provides rate limiting functionality in Django. You can install it using pip:

					pip install django-ratelimit

Step 2: Configure the Middleware In your Django project, open the file and add the django_ratelimit.middleware.RatelimitMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE list:

    # Other middleware...

Step 3: Define Rate Limiting Rules In your Django views or viewsets, you can define rate limiting rules using the ratelimit decorator provided by the django-ratelimit package. Here’s an example:

					from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit

@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='60/m', block=True)
def my_view(request):
    # Your view logic here

In this example, the @ratelimit decorator is applied to the my_view function-based view. The key argument specifies whether to rate limit based on the user or IP address. The rate argument defines the rate limit, where '60/m' means a maximum of 60 requests per minute. The block argument determines whether to block further requests when the limit is exceeded.

Step 4: Customizing Rate Limiting Response By default, the django-ratelimit package returns a 429 Too Many Requests response when the rate limit is exceeded. However, you can customize the response by defining a handler in your Django project’s file:

					from django_ratelimit.exceptions import Ratelimited

def ratelimit_handler(request, exception):
    return HttpResponse('Custom Rate Limit Exceeded Response', status=429)

handler429 = ratelimit_handler

In this example, the ratelimit_handler function is defined to handle the Ratelimited exception. It returns a custom response when the rate limit is exceeded. The handler429 variable is set to the ratelimit_handler function, making it the handler for 429 responses.

Please note that this is a basic example of a rate limiter module in Django using the django-ratelimit package. You can customize the rate limiting rules, handle exceptions, and adjust the rate limit configuration based on your specific requirements.