How to Detect An Automated Browser

Detecting automated browsers on the server side can be challenging since automation techniques are continuously evolving, and determined attackers may attempt to bypass detection methods. However, there are several techniques and approaches you can use to identify automated browser activity. Here are a few common methods: User Agent Analysis: Analyze the User-Agent header sent by

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Hardware Token Provider

When it comes to hardware token providers, there are a few well-known and trusted companies in the market. Here are some of the best hardware token providers: Yubico: Yubico is a renowned provider of hardware security tokens, including the popular YubiKey. YubiKeys support various authentication protocols, including OTP (One-Time Password), FIDO U2F, and FIDO2, offering

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EMAIL API Providers

There are several reputable and reliable email API providers available that offer robust services for sending and managing emails. The best provider for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the features you require. Here are some top email API providers known for their quality services: SendGrid: SendGrid, now part of Twilio, is

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SMS API Providers

There are several reliable and popular SMS API providers available that offer robust services for sending SMS messages. The best provider for you may depend on your specific needs, budget, and the regions you intend to target. Here are some top SMS API providers known for their quality services: Twilio: Twilio is a leading cloud

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Types of Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Methods

There are several types of two-factor authentication (2FA) methods available, each offering a different approach to verifying the identity of a user. Here are some common types of 2FA methods: SMS-based 2FA: In this method, a one-time verification code is sent to the user’s registered mobile phone number via SMS. The user needs to enter

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How To Create A Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) In PHP

Two-factor authentication (2FA) module in PHP using the RobThree/TwoFactorAuth library: Step 1: Install Required Package Install the RobThree/TwoFactorAuth library, which provides the necessary functionality for 2FA in PHP. You can install it using Composer: composer require robthree/twofactorauth Step 2: Implement the Two-Factor Authentication Logic Create a PHP file, for example, twofactor.php, and implement the logic

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